What is Chomik?
Chomik is a general-purpose Open Source programming language. It is an interpreted imperative language with a very simple syntax.
Why another programming language?
Because Chomik offers certain unique features, like unified complex variable names or recursive cyclic enumerations. It is also relatively small and its interpreter is written in modern C++ (17).
What is so special about Chomik?
Even though it is an imperative language there are no conditional instructions in Chomik. Also there are no explicit loop instructions. In spite of that it is a very powerful language, enforcing writing clean code.
What can Chomik do for me?
You can use it directly, writing complex applications in pure Chomik. If you need a GUI application consider using the SDL_Chomik - a Chomik dialect based on the SDL2 libraries. You can also create your own Chomik dialects by extending it, or embed Chomik in your own C++ application.
How do I get Chomik?
You need to download the Chomik source code, build it, optionally test it and use it to execute your own code.
May I use Chomik in my closed source application (for instance - a commercial game)?
Absolutely yes! We just need to agree on the commercial license price. In order to get a commercial license for Chomik please contact pawel.f.biernacki@gmail.com. Feel free to negotiate.
What is the Open Source license for Chomik ?
It is GPL 3.0, or any later, at your choice.